Developer Spearhead Games has announced that its branching narrative, Groundhog Day-esque action game Stories: The Path of Destinies will be heading to Xbox One this month. Coming on March 22, 2019, the game will come with full Xbox One X support for players with 4K display sets. Anyone that picks up the game during its first week will get a 10% discount, though no price point was confirmed (the title is $14.99 on Steam and PS4).

I had a great deal of fun with Stories after getting it on PlayStation Plus, so I’d definitely recommend anyone with a penchant for interesting storytelling to give it a shot. It’s not the tightest action game around, but it more than makes up for it with style and characters. You can check out a trailer of the Xbox One version below.

Stories: The Path of Destinies will spin its twsited yarn on Xbox One this month screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Stories: The Path of Destinies will spin its twsited yarn on Xbox One this month