Here at Destructoid, we routinely host contests for various gaming prizes. Things like free copies of upcoming games to plush penises from Devolver Digital: Dtoid has given back to the community in small ways over the years. Those giveaways have brought some of you closer to us, for which I will always be grateful, but I was completely blown away by the story of one of our contest winners.

In November of last year, Mark Barnes Jr. entered our contest for some Pokémon-themed gear. After becoming the lucky winner, he got in touch with Wes about where to send the goodies and Wes noticed something quite peculiar. In the e-mail signature, Mark’s job description curiously read “Minecraft Consultant, UN-Habitat.” What in the world was that about?

Wes got a quick explanation about the project and passed the info onto us. Here was a guy using video games in a way that was actively helping the world out. This was an incredible story that needed to be told to a larger audience. Finding Mark’s tale fascinating, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to speak with him about the work he’s done with Mojang’s monster of a title.

Meet the Dtoid reader that used Minecraft to help impoverished communities make a change screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Meet the Dtoid reader that used Minecraft to help impoverished communities make a change