Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow…
Part of me wishes that “Chokepoint” was solely about Daryl and Connie’s escape, and clash, with Beta and the Whisperers, giving the chapter a single, intense story to tell, but I understand that the show has such a large ensemble that focused episodes are super challenging. We’re lucky that the first few installments of the season were as Hilltop/Whisperer-centric as they were, really.
So this week’s episode is, ipso facto, one of the more challenging types of episodes to review because it’s 50% awesome. The other half, involving Carol and Ezekiel dealing with a whole new faction, with even more characters to mix into the show’s bubbling broth, is middling stuff. At first it seems like these “Highwaymen,” led by Ozzy (Angus Sampson), are out-of-nowhere savages but they’re really just a nuisance in the end, easily owned by the Kingdom and maneuvered into helping clear out the roads (Carol winning them over with the promise of a movie screening is actually pretty funny).
Source: IGN.com The Walking Dead: "Chokepoint" Recap