Earlier today, the Master Chief Collection got announced for PC, finally bringing a number of heavily-requested titles from the series to the PC. A few days ago, a user on Reddit was so excited about the possibility of the Halo collection on PC, they offered to buy the first responding 343 employee a pizza. Community director at 343 Brian Jarrard, going by the user name ske7ch343, replied with a tease in response asking for pizza. It was a cute thing that no one took all that seriously and no one would have been offended if a pizza didn’t get bought.
As a fun joke, fans bought ske7ch343 a pizza after the announcement.
It has begun. Pizzas are actually showing up at the studio?! 🍕🍕 @Gamecheat13 you’re too kind. #mcc pic.twitter.com/0hZgk80KDa
— Brian Jarrard (@ske7ch) March 12, 2019
And then…more pizza.
MOAR. Unknown sender, but thank you. Seriously folks, we love the gesture but raise a slice and let’s celebrate together! (plz don’t send tons of pizzas 😝) pic.twitter.com/SsMtJI0nyo
— Brian Jarrard (@ske7ch) March 12, 2019
And even more pizza. Too much pizza.
Annnnd another one. Thank you anonymous pizza donator. I think pineapple and jalapeño is a troll but it’s some on the teams favorite?! Please we don’t need more pizza. We good. pic.twitter.com/KVQKGCzl5F
— Brian Jarrard (@ske7ch) March 12, 2019
No seriously this is a lot of pizza.
Seriously. This is getting nuts. pic.twitter.com/psSht2oowU
— Sam (@misplacedyank) March 13, 2019
But for some there is no amount of pizza that is too much.
People keep sending pizza to the team today. This is the pile next to my desk. It’s pretty great. pic.twitter.com/3QPR7KOrCV
— Matt (@343Wrensi) March 12, 2019
No but really stop.
The Halo community is awesome. We’re excited, too! Please, don’t send anymore pizzas to 343 Industries. The building receptionist isn’t here so it’s getting logistically challenging and we really don’t want to see food to go waste.
— Brian Jarrard (@ske7ch) March 13, 2019
If you feel compelled to send a pizza, might I suggest some other places in Redmond that could use pizza or the money that would go to a pizza? That way the food won’t go to waste. Then tweet a picture of the order to 343 so they still know you’re happy about Master Chief Collection on the PC without murdering them with pizza.
Source: Game Informer 343 Wants People To Stop Sending Them Pizza