Everyone currently enjoying Devil May Cry 5 are probably up their armpits in demons, shaggy haircuts and tobacco products that we don’t endorse, but it seems that already Capcom have more in store for the community, with the announcement of a free update coming next month.

Landing on April 1, DmC 5 will open the doors of “The Bloody Palace” which, as you’ve probably guessed already, is the obligatory colosseum mode. Players will be able to take Dante, Nero or V into a multi-floor arena where they will battle floor after floor of enemies against a strict time-limit.

Other than that, very little is known about this first add-on to the most metal game of 2019 so far. The Bloody Palace is a staple of the DmC series, so franchise fans should know what to expect from the demonic dominion. Devil May Cry 5 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Devil May Cry 5 opens the Bloody Palace on April 1 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Devil May Cry 5 opens the Bloody Palace on April 1