The latest update for Anthem is now live and, thanks to the patch notes, Bioware has confirmed that they have made some changes to the game’s criticized loot table to better emphasize endgame weapons when you’re actually in the endgame. You might ask why it was different before this update and it seems like Bioware also agrees.
The new update is server-side, which means you don’t need to actually download anything for it to take effect. On the grandmaster 2 and 3 difficulty levels, the drop rate for Masterwork & Legendary items has been increased. Masterwork & Legendary drop rates have also been increased for tougher enemies at all difficulty levels in general.
The changes come fairly soon after Bioware community manager Jesse Anderson wrote an extensive and lengthy response on the game’s subreddit to player concerns. Anderson explained why Anthem differed between pre-launch and the final product, how reactive Bioware is to feedback, and strongly insisted that “Anthem is here to stay.”
Anthem is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can find our review of the game right here.
Source: Game Informer Anthem Increases Drop Rate For Endgame Weapons