Earlier this month, Rockstar brought a number of changes to the Red Dead Online beta with its March update: some more popular than others. Despite tweaks to the parley system, many players felt griefing was still a significant problem, and that some of the changes actually worsened the situation.

In response to community feedback, Rockstar has pledged significant changes to the beta in order to solve the griefing problems.

The latest blog post details a new “hostility system” which will “build upon the anti-griefing measures added in February”. This appears to solve some of the problems created by the bounty system, as players who have damage inflicted upon them by attackers “will be able to defend themselves without incurring bounties or hostility increases”. This will also immediately flag the attacking player as an enemy (rather than both attacker and target), so now even third parties will know who the aggressor actually is.

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Source: Eurogamer Red Dead Online adding offensive and defensive play options to tackle griefing