Double Fine has announced RAD, a new third-person action-adventure/roguelike that’s set after not one but two apocalypses. It will release this summer on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC, with a beta beforehand.

RAD is directed by Lee Petty, who also headed up 2016’s Headlander (see the review below). In RAD, an apocalypse struck in the 1980s, decimating civilization for centuries. And then, way in the future after humanity had recovered, a second one hit, and RAD takes place after that. As such, RAD’s aesthetic is a mix of  ’80s pop culture influences and futuristic alien tech chic. Gameplay-wise, you play a random, malleable gene’d teenager who roams the procedurally wasteland in defense of the un-radiated town you live in (which also serves as a hub). If you die, you resume as another teenager – that’s where the roguelike element comes in.

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Source: RAD Is a Roguelike for the Rest of Us