A note from IGN’s Senior Comics Editor Joshua Yehl: Hello friends! In an effort to give the IGN community easier access to all of our comics coverage, we’ve ended our Top Comics to Buy This Week list and created a new place you can check out not only all the most exciting comics coming out each week but the week’s biggest comics news stories, reviews, and happenings. The idea is to provide you with a more comprehensive, all-in-one-stop article that has everything you need to stay informed on the comics industry while also getting a heads up on which books you ought to pick up each week. It’s also a place where you can weigh in with your own thoughts and discuss what’s going on in your favorite books. As with any new format, we’re completely open to feedback and want to hear your thoughts on it in the comments. We’ve put a lot of love into this new idea, so we hope you enjoy it and appreciate you giving it a shot!

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Source: IGN.com Biggest Comic News and Reviews Roundup