H.P. Lovecraft’s vision of horror is everywhere, even on Mars. In Rock Pocket Games’ forthcoming Moons of Madness, a discovery made on the red planet has produced unexpected complications, and you’re about to find out what it can do to humans. You suit up as Shane Newehart, a technician at the Invictus research station. Your goal is to keep the station up and running until the Cyrano transport ship arrives with new recruits. As you fulfill your duties, bad things start happening.
Moons of Madness is slated to launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 31. The trailer below does a great job of showing you just how much this mysterious discovery can mess with your mind. Rock Pocket Games describes Moons of Madness as a “first-person, story-driven cosmic horror game where the scientific exploration of Mars meets the supernatural dread of Lovecraft.”
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Source: Game Informer Moons Of Madness To Bring Cosmic Horror To PS4, Xbox One, And PC This Halloween