From April 13 to 28, Pokémon Go players are invited to get outside, explore, socialize, and help clean up the world. For the second year running, Niantic is hosting worldwide Earth Day Cleanup events focused on ecology, wildlife, and general cleanup. Making the world a better place should be incentive enough, but Niantic is also rewarding Pokémon Go players for their efforts with the release of shiny Digletts for everyone to catch, but only if enough people help out.

If 2,000 players are a part of these events, more ground-type Pokémon will appear in the wild. If 5,000 players are helping, the shiny Diglett will be released within 48 hours of the goal being reached. If 7,000 players unite, Groudon will appear in raids, and stardust and candy for event spawns will double. We all need a shiny Diglett, so get out there, people.

Niantic is teaming up with various nonprofit organizations for this event. If you’re interested in attending, you can find out what is in your area, and can register here.

Source: Game Informer Pokémon Go's Second Earth Day Event Could Add A Shiny Diglett To The Game