Gwent: The Witcher Card Game finally left beta and officially released on Xbox One and PC last fall. Originally a fun diversion in the Witcher 3, Gwent eventually grew into a highly competitive phenomenon that fans wanted to partake in – alongside and against one another.
Today, CD Projekt Red announced Gwent is coming to iPhones later this year. Now players can deck-build and crush the opposition on the go. “We’ve been preparing long and hard to adapt Gwent to smartphones,” says game director Jason Slama. “We’ve tailored much of our technology, including GOG Galaxy which powers Gwent’s multiplayer, to support mobile devices.”
In light of this announcement, CD Projekt Red promises more details on the game’s eventual Android port at a later date.
[Source: Play GWENT]
Source: Game Informer Gwent Arrives On iPhones Later This Year