As of this very moment, Peter Glagowski, Rich Meister, Caitlin Cooke and myself are entering the Boston Convention Center to get a load of PAX East 2019. We’ll be playing and previewing a bunch of games, so keep your eyes peeled for sudden show coverage as it happens.
I’ll also be representing Destructoid on a couple of panels. Friday at 12:30pm at the Cuttlefish Theater, DZone Editor-In-Chief Susan Arendt, psychiatrist James Sherer, social worker-in-training Geoffrey Brewer and myself will talk about the myths and realities of game addiction on a panel called I Can Save & Quit Anytime I Want: Redefining Game Addiction. Then that night at 9pm, I’ll join the developers of Soda Drinker Pro, comedian Lamont Price, and Assy McGee co-creator Carl Adams at the Dragonfly Theater for a panel called We Made a Bot Watch 1000 PAX Panels, And It’s Moderating This One. Wish us luck.
I’ll also be handing out a two page Castlevania fan comic I wrote and drew, so if you see me on the floor, please ask for one. If I have any left, I’ll give you what you really, really want. Either way, it will be great to see you.
Source: Destructoid Destructoid will be at PAX East and we will do our best this time