A new update for Minecraft has removed references to the game’s creator Marcus “Notch” Persson from the game’s splash screen.

When launching Minecraft, one of many preset messages are randomly shown in yellow text over the main menu. Among them are three that reference Persson: “Made by Notch!”, “The Work of Notch!” and “110313!”, the latter of which refers to the date of Persson’s wedding day. All three of these have been removed as part of snapshot 19w13a.

Persson himself has not been part of Minecraft’s development for a few years, having left Mojang along with fellow company co-founders Carl Manneh and Jakob Porsér in 2014. The developer would then go on to be fully bought out by Microsoft in 2015 at a cost of $2.5 billion.

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Source: IGN.com New Minecraft Update Removes Mentions of Notch