Before Wrath: Aeon of Ruin was announced, Destructoid’s CJ had teased me by saying, “This game has you written all over it.” I was very intrigued, but CJ is a man of his word and did not break embargo. Even when I was speculating about the tease from 3D Realms’ Twitter account, he didn’t budge. Then the curtains were pulled back and I was floored. CJ knows me well.

What more can I add to his lengthy preview of the game, though? While CJ is a fan of old-school shooters, he hasn’t played them as extensively as me. While other kids were digging into platformers, sports games, and action titles, I was spending my time toiling away at corridors in Doom. I begged my mom for my own PC just so I could have free reign to play all kinds of crazy shooters as a kid. Since I’ve been playing them for nearly 20 years, I think I have a good grasp on what makes a first-person shooter solid. Wrath is solid and could be the sequel to Hexen we’ve all been waiting for.

As mentioned in our preview, Wrath is going more for a metroidvania vibe. There are three hub worlds that have around five levels each. Progression through these worlds isn’t entirely linear, so you’ll be able to find upgrades in one level that you’ll then take into another level. From the start, you’ll able to select level one or two and plow through that to unlock the next three in that hub.

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is a great mixture of old and new screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is a great mixture of old and new