It took far longer than necessary, but The Walking Dead has finally kicked the Commonwealth storyline into high gear. Issue #189 and #190 deliver some of the payoff readers have been waiting for months to see. And even as the undead become a bigger threat to our heroes than they have in years, this issue serves as a necessary reminder that humanity is always its own worst enemy.
Long-simmering tensions have finally boiled over as Mercer leads a revolt in the Commonwealth and Rick is offered the chance to rule in Pamela’s stead. It’s the latest compelling wrinkle in a very long, twisting journey for Rick. Short of Michonne, he’s probably benefited the most from this extended story arc. His single-minded focus on preserving peace and the rule of law has continuously backfired. He’s had to make impossible choices and even kill a close friend, and the events of this issue force him to question whether any of those sacrifices were worth it in the end. For all that this series has faltered in its sluggish build-up, it has at least re-energized Rick as a protagonist.
Source: The Walking Dead Is Back on Track