[Getting Weird with Wes is a series meant to highlight all the bizarre shit floating around out there in the gaming universe. I hate normal things. Join me in celebrating the strange.]
I’m not ignorant of the fact that one person’s weird is another person’s normal. It’s part of my daily life. I can’t tell you how many times my friends have talked about a certain situation, perversion, or fetish in negative tones while I’m all like, “Yep, I’m into that.” That said, not every thing I talk about here is going to stand out as decidedly weird to you. And that’s ok. Weird is a relative term, and so long as you’re cool with getting weird with your relatives, you’re alright in my book.
I mean…uh…check out these games!
Source: Destructoid Getting Weird with Wes: Cthulhu gets a desk job, shoot fire from your tighty whiteys, and OH NO TONGUE PHYSICS