Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker himself, recently described a different ending to Star Wars: The Force Awakens that he pitched to director J.J. Abrams that would have been a touching call-back to A New Hope.
Talking to The Hollywood Reporter on the Awards Chatter Podcast for his role in History’s Knightfall, their discussion eventually went to Star Wars. During their conversation, Hamill revealed a pitch he gave to Abrams that would have led to the reunion of Luke, Leia, and Han.
“You can still have me come in at the very end,” Hamill explains. “But how about this? Leia’s trying to contact me telepathically. She gets frustrated because there’s no answer so she rushes to the new Death Star…that’s three so far…and she almost gets there when she’s stopped by two Stormtroopers. Just before she’s abducted, one Stormtrooper turns to the other and blows him away, pulls off his helmet and says, “Hi sis, I’m here to rescue you.”
Source: Mark Hamill Pitched a Different Ending for The Force Awakens to JJ Abrams