If the first few hours of Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey taught me anything, it’s that the fact humanity exists at all is basically a miracle. The third-person survival game from Panache Digital Games is set ten million years ago as you attempt to guide a clan of apes through survival in prehistoric Africa. The goal is to live long enough to pass knowledge down the generational line and recreate our evolution as a species. That’s a hell of a premise.
I was ready to birth civilization into existence as we know it. But fast forward to 45-minutes into my playthrough and the last fertile ape in my community has just bled to death in a soft bed of leaves – because I stupidly made him go to sleep with a gushing open wound – signaling the inevitable extinction of the clan and, with it, I guess, the human race. Sorry, everybody.
Source: IGN.com Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Preview