Hiro Murai and Donald Glover’s new film, Guava Island, premiered at Coachella and has now officially released on Amazon Prime as of Saturday, April 13 at 12:01am PT.
The comedy-thriller stars Glover, Rihanna, Nonso Anozie, and Letitia Wright.
Murai – who has worked on numerous projects with Glover, including Atlanta – directed the film, while Glover’s brother, Stephen Glover, wrote the script, which is based on a story by Royalty. The movie is described as, “an expansion of Glover’s idea of freedom,” in both realms of creativity and business.
“I’m really humbled having the opportunity to present something this timely and timeless. Between Rihanna and the people of Cuba, this is one of my favorite projects I’ve ever worked on,” Glover said.
Source: IGN.com Guava Island: What's the Deal With Donald Glover's New Amazon Movie?