Those of you eager to get your hands on SNK’s upcoming Samurai Shodown title might get a little kick out this week’s latest retro release from Hamster, as they bring Samurai Shodown V Special back out of the bag for PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Launched in the arcades back in 2004, SSVS would be the final official release for the home Neo Geo console (though not the final Sam Sho title). This entry returns to the darker, somewhat more “metal” look experimented with in Samurai Shodown III. It also gathers together a monster roster of 28 characters for this final Neo Geo series celebration.

A particularly violent entry, SSVS is possibly the most bloodthirsty of the series, and even includes a variety of decapitations and dismemberments. This would lead to a uge controversy when the game’s release was delayed in order to remove some of these elements. Ultimately turning what was to be the Neo Geo’s last hurrah into a frustrating experience for fans.

Samurai Shodown V Special is available now on PS4 in Japan and Xbox One and Nintendo Switch worldwide. It is also worth noting that SSVS is already available on PS4 under a different licence. SSVS will also be included on the Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection, which launches this Fall.

Samurai Shodown V Special throwing down now on PS4, Xbox One and Switch screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Samurai Shodown V Special throwing down now on PS4, Xbox One and Switch