Mortal Kombat 11‘s Switch version was shrouded in mystery for the longest time. Announced alongside the game late last year, WB Games and NetherRealm waited until just a week before launch to publicly show any footage of the port. A PAX East demo was super impressive, but strict guidelines for footage didn’t allow anyone the chance to show it off, which led to a lot of rumors of the port being a rushed hack job.
Well, launch day is here and I can safely say that Mortal Kombat 11 on Switch is the real deal. I’ve only played a few hours of the retail version, but I’ve come away mighty impressed with what was achieved on Nintendo’s console. This certainly isn’t the definitive way to play the latest MK entry, but it’s going to be a real treat to pop this sucker out literally anywhere and eviscerate your opponents in public. So much for schoolyard rumors, eh?
Source: Destructoid Mortal Kombat 11 on Switch is a bloody good time