Update: The mode is now live. Those who select Critical Mode will find their HP/MP halved, the frequency of situational commands and magic less, and exclusive abilities that Sora can perform only in this mode.
Original Story: During this year’s GDC, Kingdom Hearts III co-director Tai Yasue announced that Kingdom Hearts III’s anticipated Critical Mode update would be arriving “very soon.” It appears that very soon is nowish.
Series creator Tetsuya Nomura announced on Twitter today that the update, free for all owners of Kingdom Hearts III, is arriving tomorrow on April 23:
Greetings, it’s been a while since I last posted. Spring is here, and I hope everyone is doing well. #KingdomHearts III’s long-awaited Critical Mode is available as a free update tomorrow (PT).
We’ve changed things up from the previous games, so I hope you enjoy – Nomura pic.twitter.com/Npz8FeKmCK
For more on Kingdom Hearts III, check out our review.
Source: Game Informer Kingdom Hearts III's Critical Mode Is Live