Warning: This story contains Gotham spoilers up through the series’ penultimate episode…

With Todd Phillips’ Joker movie set to reveal the first big screen live-action Joker origin story since Tim Burton’s Batman (one that seems set to drum up sympathy for the character who transforms into the Clown Prince of Crime), it’s a great time to examine FOX’s Gotham and the crazy, twisting road it took toward finally unveiling its own official Joker.

Gotham’s series finale drops on April 25, showcasing a 10-year time jump that’ll drop Cameron Monaghan’s “J” into our eager laps. Gotham, as a series, has morphed many times in its own right. Back when it first kicked off, Batman and Joker were off-limits entirely – they could only be playfully referenced. So much so that fans wondered if they’d even get to see the iconic cape and cowl in the final frames of the last episode, Smallville style.

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Source: IGN.com How Gotham Finally Got its Joker