Men In Black’s always had a recognisable visual DNA. No matter the plot, you’re always going to see sharp suits, shiny guns, idiosyncratic set design and a whole mess of aliens. During a visit to the set of the upcoming MiB: International, I discovered that, two decades on from the original and with an almost entirely new cast and crew, that rule still holds true.

But what was interesting to me was finding out how just how much thought had gone into those seemingly static elements. Here’s how International is aiming to update the core elements of Men in Black without losing its original feel.


The sets are perhaps the best marker of what the team’s trying to achieve with MiB: International – recognisably grabbing from the old films, but adding new twists to prove that this is a spin-off, not a rehash.

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Source: How Men In Black: International Rebuilds the DNA of the Series