Forward, always forward. That Luke Cage motto is serving Sony well this generation, as they propelled themselves to 96.8 million PS4s sold worldwide as of the end of their last fiscal year (March 31, 2019).
That’s a monumental feat to pull off in just under six years, as the PS4 currently holds the sixth spot in overall worldwide system sales, even including cheaper systems like the DS and the Game Boy. We have a very clear picture of where Sony stands with the PS4 at any time as they love to boast with their numbers, and for good reason, it’s poised to take a major milestone away from Nintendo.
Right now, Nintendo holds three of the top five spots in the all-time system sales chart: DS, Game Boy, and Wii. If Sony overtakes the Wii’s 101.63 million (which it could easily do, as the PS4 will be on sale with a discount well after the PS5 arrives, if it doesn’t beat it before that), it will take away Nintendo’s crown and join the ranks of the PlayStation 2 and the original PlayStation. That’s huge!
Either way the two titans have a lot to celebrate. With the Xbox 360 in a firm seventh place, Sony and Nintendo are already cemented as market leaders for the past several decades. Let the final battle of this generation commence!
FY2018 Consolidated Financial Results [Sony]
Source: Destructoid Sony nearly hits 100 million PS4s sold worldwide, approaches lifetime Wii sales