SPOILERS AHEAD for Game of Thrones’ Season 8, Episode 3 – “The Long Night.”

Game of Throne’s latest episode, “The Long Night,” is officially the most Tweeted about scripted episode of TV of all-time with over 7.8 million Tweets.

Twitter revealed this impressive feat and also announced that it beat out the previous record holder, Game of Thrones’ season 8 premiere, that had over 5 million Tweets.

Arya was, obviously, the most Tweeted about character as she was the one who finally took out the Night King, who was the second most Tweeted about character. Next up was Bran, followed by Jon Snow and Cersei, who didn’t even make an appearance in the episode but will undoubtedly play a huge role in the remaining three episodes.

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Source: IGN.com Game of Thrones: The Long Night Is the Most-Tweeted Episode of TV Ever