Tremors rules. Did you know (cue the voice) that we almost got a Tremors TV show with Kevin Bacon returning to his iconic role? Well it’s dead now, you can watch the leaked trailer and imagine what might have been.
The Tremors creatures are alive and well in Hyrule though, as evidenced by their memorable appearances (Moldugas) in Breath of the Wild. They’re crafty little things, usually requiring a little foresight to defeat, but this Twitter user managed to smack it up in the most clever fashion. You know those little cucco chickens that go HAM on Link if they’re harassed? Well they managed to utilize the swarm to its fullest extent, blowing a bomb and angering them right as the Molduga surfaces. Amazing timing!
I’ve said it nearly every month for the last two years, but damn we aren’t done with Zelda: Breath of the Wild videos yet. That’s such an awesome feeling: that there’s yet another amazing discovery waiting to be shared.
Source: Destructoid A Zelda: Breath of the Wild player used a cucco chicken army to fight a Molduga sand worm and it’s glorious