Developer Niantic has released the results of their Earth Day 2019 efforts to improve our planet and its environment. Across April,  players were encouraged to gather together and hold clean-up events, collecting trash and garbage for proper disposal and making the environment a better, prettier and healthier place for flora and fauna.

In an awesome show of caring, nearly 500 individual events were held across 41 countries. Around 17,000 people came together to bag up waste in their local areas. Between April 13 and April 28, some 145 tons of rubbish was collected in total. While 176 of these events were hosted by charities and non-government organisations, the other 300 were held by communities of players wanting to make a difference both in their local area, and to the ecology of the planet at large.

“We’re astounded with how much everyone involved has achieved,” Niantic stated on its official blog. “An effort like this highlights how much impact people can have when they work together. Players worked in groups of 1 to 2,500, alongside government agencies, volunteer organizations, and fellow community members, creating incredible impact”.

Regarding Pokémon GO itself, players who registered themselves at these events got the opportunity to bag extra Grass Pokemon, including a rare Shiny Diglett. This is obviously a small but neat side-bonus to knowing that they helped to improve the lustre of their community and keep our planet glowing. You can find out more information about the event over at the Niantic website.

Worldwide Pokemon GO players bag up 145 tons of trash for Earth Day screenshot

Source: Destructoid Worldwide Pokemon GO players bag up 145 tons of trash for Earth Day