Zombie write: “Now class I would like you all to take your blenders and mix Doom along with Wolfenstein to form the base for our other ingredients.
Next you will need to add a healthy cup of The Binding Isaac, measures dont need to be exact as this is to give the previous additions some form but make sure you mix thoroughly before pouring into a glass.
Lastly you will need to take some Altered Beast and you are going to want to be delicate here as we only want to carve out the exciting transformations so the rest of it you can disregard, now we need to freeze the parts of Altered Beast we want until they are nice and solid, luckily we have some here that I prepared earlier.
Nice dose of nostalgia there really brings out the pulpiness of our mix and what we are going to do is grate the frozen Altered Beast over the top giving us Hellmut: The Badass From Hell to truly enjoy at our leisure.”
Source: N4G PC Hellmut: The Badass From Hell Review | NZGC