Jacob St-Amour from Link-Cable Writes: “The Mortal Kombat franchise continuously changed over the course of its 27-year existence and with it brought many new types of experiences that for better or for worse have helped shaped one of gamings most iconic fighting series to what it is today. Since its original release, it would seem as though the focus was to re-think the definition of what a Mortal Kombat game is, but sometimes, it is best to leave well enough alone and that is exactly what the team at NetherRealm Studios were able to achieve with the latest instalment to the fighting game franchise with Mortal Kombat 11. Not only does the game offer a great story and persist combat, but Mortal Kombat 11 flourishes by offering a simpler, yet rich experience that offers one of the most satisfying fighting experiences in years.”

Source: N4G PC Mortal Kombat 11 – Link-Cable Review