Disney recently suggested that, after this year’s release of The Rise of Skywalker, the final film of the new trilogy, they wanted to take a small break from theatrical releases of movies with the popular license. Disney has now released a new movie schedule and, barring the things they plan to keep close to their chest for right now, we have a better idea of what exactly that hiatus will look like.
After this year’s Star Wars movie, there won’t be another one until 2022. After that, they’ll release on alternate years, so one in 2024, then one in 2026. It is not clear if this is a new trilogy, but Disney has announced a number of other Star Wars projects and has other unannounced ones in various states of development, so it could be anything from Rian Johnson’s announced trilogy to other spin-offs like they had once proposed.
In addition, Disney has pushed the Avatar sequel back to 2021, nearly 12 years after the first movie’s release. Similarly, all the Avatar sequels have obviously been pushed back a few years to come after Avatar 2. All in all, there are three more Avatar movies waiting in the wings for release.
New Mutants, which was started by Fox but reportedly underwent extreme reshoots, has been pushed out of 2019 altogether and is now a 2020 title. It’s a little difficult to figure out where the movie lands among Marvel’s plans for the X-Men license, but they have indicated they do not have immediate plans for it.
[Source: Hollywood Reporter]
Source: Game Informer Star Wars Movies To Alternate Release Years, Avatar Sequel Delayed