SPOILERS AHEAD for Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3 – “The Last of the Starks.”

Following Missandei’s demise at the hand of The Mountain in the most recent episode of Game of Thrones, Nathalie Emmanuel has taken to Twitter and Instagram to thank her fans and all those who made playing her character “one of the greatest joys.”

Emmanuel has portrayed Missandei since the third season and had become one of Daernerys’ most trusted advisors until Cersei ordered The Mountain to end her life.

Many reached out to Emmanuel following the episode and shared their love for Missandei and Emmanuel responded that while she was “calm about the whole thing…the outpouring of love, anger, sadness has left

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Source: IGN.com Game of Thrones' Nathalie Emmanuel Responds To Fans' Missandei Reactions