Despite only recently adding duos to the squad options in Battlefield 5’s battle royale mode, Firestorm, DICE and publisher EA have now decided to remove the option, stating there simply weren’t enough players making use of the mode.

“Duo received an overwhelmingly positive reaction at launch,” said EA community manager, Adam Freeman, on the Battlefield 5 subreddit (thanks, VG24/7). “It debuted during a weekend, and was initially done so only as an early first look at the mode. Duo was originally designed as a limited time offering similar to Grind and Rush, and featured as limited time content in Chapter 3.

“When Duo was first removed, you told us that you wanted to see it come back and we were happy to support. Since then, we’ve seen more folks jump back into Squads mode, with less preferring to Firestorm it up in Duo – so we’re going to get back to the original plan today and we’ve disabled it’s (sic) matchmaking.”

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Source: Eurogamer DICE disables Battlefield 5's battle royale duos mode again