Full SPOILERS ahead for Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 5, “The Bells”!

The Mother of Dragons, the daughter of the Mad King, finally went to the dark side on.the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones’ final season, “The Bells”.

Daenerys Targaryen destroyed King’s Landing, killing nearly every man, woman, and child, combatant or not, and unleashing her dragon-son Drogon to utterly level the city in wave after wave of fiery destruction.

Many fans will no doubt be torn by this decision to have a character who had been so beloved by so many at times — a protagonist that people in real life even named their own kids after — committing such atrocities. On HBO’s “Inside the Episode” aftershow, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss explained why Dany did what she did.

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Source: IGN.com Game of Thrones: Why Daenerys Made THAT Choice