There’s a game called Fantastic Fetus on right now and it’s a Tamagotchi-style pregnancy simulator.
In it, you look after a woman through nine months of pregnancy, making sure she’s fed, medicated, happy and keeps her home clean. But don’t overfeed her! If she gets heavier than 99kg, she’ll die. But she’ll also die if she gets too fearful or if she gets very ill. It’s a challenge, frankly, keeping her alive.
But every day you do, you’ll be rewarded with a dream – a dream in which you can design your own fantastic foetus. Your own fantastic foetus with superpowers. Will the baby have a unicorn horn? Will it have tentacles for arms? Will it have bat wings or angel wings? There’s quite the assortment on offer.
Source: Eurogamer Fantastic Fetus is a Tamagotchi-style pregnancy simulator and a protest