Sound quality has come a long way from the beeps and boops of the early generations of gaming. Epic, modern AAA games require soundtracks, sound effects, and sound mixing that rival Hollywood’s best. Last year’s every-award-winner God of War has some of the best sound design I’ve ever encountered in a piece of gaming. Red Dead Redemption 2 is another title from 2018 that excels at using sound to build its world.

But modern gaming isn’t just about the sound produced by whatever title we’re playing. More and more, the sounds we make play a bigger role in the industry. Whether you’re a streamer who is yelling racial epithets over gameplay to the delight of 12-year-olds or a member of a Fortnite team who needs to coordinate with the other players, balancing our voices with the sounds of the game is something of a tightrope act. With the A40 TR Headset and MixAmp Pro TR from Astro Gaming, that tightrope has been replaced by a rope bridge.

Review: Astro A40 TR Headset + MixAmp Pro TR screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Review: Astro A40 TR Headset + MixAmp Pro TR