Rage 2’s console release revealed a big divide in performance between the standard and enhanced machines. PS4 Pro and Xbox One X delivered beautifully smooth 60 frames per second gameplay, with a drop to 30fps on vanilla hardware. The big surprise? Even Microsoft’s six teraflop monster ‘only’ ran at 1080p resolution, leaving it down to the PC game to scale up to higher resolution displays. But what does it take to hit 1440p or even 4K at 60fps? And in what other ways does PC scale beyond the console experience?

First impressions are certainly promising. In common with Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Bethesda has taken the brave move of shipping Rage 2 just with Vulkan API support, with no DirectX fallback. Settings-wise, the game is fairly comprehensive with plenty of tweakables to adjust, including toggles for contentious post-processing effects like chromatic aberation and motion blur. The game can run fully unlocked with frame-rates beyond 60fps (unlike the original Rage) and 21:9 ultrawide support is also baked in.

There’s even support for dynamic resolution scaling, which potentially could be very useful… if it were working. From what I’ve witnessed, internal resolution increases based on screen movement (?) with the end result being that jumping on the spot can deliver a higher quality image. It doesn’t seem to scale according to GPU load as you would expect, suggesting that the feature is very broken right now. Regardless, I’d suggest turning this feature off, with the hope being that its functionality will be addressed in a forthcoming patch.

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Source: Eurogamer Rage 2 PC analysis: what does it take to run at 1080p60 and beyond