Kotaku’s Jason Schreier took to Twitter today with some powerful tweets, allegedly confirming the title of Infinity Ward’s 2019 installment of the Call of Duty franchise as “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.” We’re dangerously close to E3, so this reveal was probably due to hit in a few weeks.
I can confirm this is true, and that it’s hilarious. The first one was “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare” so obviously the fourth one is “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.” Video games are absurd https://t.co/Ghb1m2srC4
— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) May 24, 2019
While the name may not make a whole lot of sense right now, Schreier also dropped some more information in a followup tweet – that the game is allegedly a “soft reboot”.
“Soft reboot”
— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) May 24, 2019
Source: Game Informer New Call of Duty Is Allegedly Titled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare