On this week’s Xbox show, it’s time once again for a beloved pre-E3 tradition: making our Xbox E3 predictions! We discuss what could happen with regard to Xbox Scarlett’s release date and specs, Halo Infinite, a new Xbox Elite controller, and more! Plus: our take on the big Call of Duty: Modern Warfare rumor, why Dead Island 2 is still alive, what Saints Row and Red Faction developer Volition might be up to, and more!
Subscribe on any of your favorite podcast feeds, or click here to grab an MP3 download of this week’s episode. For more awesome content, check out this month’s episode of IGN Unfiltered, featuring a rare, in-depth interview with Too Human, Eternal Darkness, and Legacy of Kain developer Denis Dyack:
Source: IGN.com Our Xbox E3 2019 Predictions