The art of the B-movie has evolved much since the days of Ed Wood, just in that there can be a legitimate art to them now with the right filmmaker at the helm. Just look at such recent hits as It Follows or last summer’s Upgrade, two films with laughable premises that boast moody atmospheres and innovative filmmaking. Then comes along director Tate Taylor’s deliciously bonkers Ma, a B-movie that puts all that artsy stuff to the side and just lets itself sloppily run from the ridiculous to the insane and back to the ridiculous again with no real aesthetic signature.

That is to say that, in light of other B-movie successes over the past few years, Taylor could have set his sights higher in terms of Ma’s look and feel. But this economically told revenge thriller has one hell of a trump card in Octavia Spencer. Breaking the typecast Taylor helped cement with his 2011 Oscar contender The Help, for which Spencer won Best Supporting Actress, the pair have created one of the most gleefully entertaining horror villains in recent memory.

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Source: Ma Review: A Truly Bonkers B-Movie