Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is probably going to upset people, perhaps by design. The reboot, which brings familiar characters like Captain Price into modern-day, “ripped from the headlines” missions but is otherwise not connected to the previous entries in the brand’s best-known subfranchise, brings with it all of the expected technical upgrades: ray tracing, multi-layer shading, spectral rendering, 4K resolution, HDR, etc. But it’s the renewed focus on realism and the single-player campaign, which was so unimportant to Call of Duty in last year’s Black Ops 4 that it literally didn’t have one, that’s going to help Modern Warfare leave its mark.

As in previous Modern Warfares, the campaign is split between multiple perspectives. Here, it’s the Tier 1 Operators – the highly trained military experts with cutting-edge tech – and the rebel factions who fight terrorism with guerilla tactics and improvised weapons like Molotov cocktails and IEDs. I saw a slice from each side. Both were incredibly dark; literally in the case of the Tier 1 Operators, and figuratively for the rebels.

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Source: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wants to Make You Uncomfortable