Slime Rancher’s next major update transports you to a simulated Far, Far Range complete with glitch slimes and new gadgets, and it will be out on June 18 for free, developer Monomi Park has announced.
Viktor’s Experimental Update revolves around Viktor Humphries, who has created a simulationor a slimeulation, as the game calls itof the world. Unfortunately there’s bugs in the code and glitched slimes, and it’s your job to capture, quarantine, and research these slimes before they spread. Once you’ve caught enough you can leave via an exit portal, turning the slimes into bug reports. Giving bug reports to Viktor will get you new cutting-edge tech for your real-world ranch.
The glitch slimes might be disguised as other slimes or as regular objects, such as trees, so you can use Viktor’s “debug spray” to reveal any that are hidden, and suck them up before they wiggle away.
Source: N4G PC Slime Rancher to add new, glitchy world and a chicken cloner in free update this month