It’s the most stressful time of the year in the games industry as E3 is right around the corner. Soon, journalists and bloggers from around the world will descend on downtown Los Angeles to play all the biggest games of 2019 and then frantically write about them in hopes of somehow eclipsing IGN in Google Ranking with the keywords to come out of the show. On this week’s episode of Podtoid, we talk about the games we want to see at E3, as well as react to the latest Death Stranding trailer, trash on lazy Overwatch players, and gush about our excitement for the Ghostbusters remaster. All that, plus we horribly mangle the Captain Planet theme song, on Podtoid Episode 404.

And be sure to stay tuned after the show for another edition of Spoilsport, where Occams and CJ breakdown everything good and bad in Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

The Podtoid Pre-E3 Death Stranding Ghostbusters (Godzilla) Extravaganza screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The Podtoid Pre-E3 Death Stranding Ghostbusters (Godzilla) Extravaganza