After putting some inanimate objects in front of me to smash, Blasphemous was confident enough in my abilities to immediately pit me against a hulking giant of a boss – the Warden of the Silent Sorrow. I carefully chipped away at him, trying to stay behind with swift dashes and dodges, until the Warden collapsed in defeat. As I watched the dramatic scene unfold, my silent protagonist – the Penitent One – took off his thorny spiked helmet and filled it with the red mess streaming out of the corpse, before jamming it back on his head in a shower of blood. Yeah, it’s that kind of game.

As the name suggests, Blasphemous won’t shy away from its dark ideas when it arrives on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC in 2019. It’s vicious and full of disturbing enemies and more demented religious iconography than you can shake a rosary at. The now-corrupted world is brought to life with some truly gorgeous pixel art, from the fluidity of its character animation to the close-up cutscenes that would look at home in a classic LucasArts adventure game. Even in pixelated form, enemies are varied and disturbing – some bound to large angelic statues that they’ll try and bash against you, while flagellants flog themselves with whips before charging you. There’s also some gigantic… thing, wielding a large dead stag as a weapon while a giggling woman in a dress sits on the giants head. Or maybe that is the head? I don’t know, but the point is, Blasphemous is creepy, OK?

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Source: Blasphemous Preview: A Blood-Soaked Love Letter to Castlevania