Sony has been late to pick up a lot of features Xbox Live users take for granted, and they’re finally making the time to enhance PS4 party chat. Back in 2015 Microsoft upped the Xbox Live party limit to 12 (and since increased it to 16), but nearly four years later Sony is going from eight to 16.

It’s all part of a new PS4 preview program, which Sony says will allow for the aforementioned increase, as well as “improved audio quality and network connectivity.” Sony is going to be rolling out this program en masse, as they’re offering codes for “20 different accounts” once you get your in.  There is a big proviso: if you participate in the preview, you can’t join a party or use Share Play with folks who aren’t in it. So…tread lightly. The program is also limited to the US and Canada at the moment, but European registration begins “soon.”

As I intimated above, better late than never. Sony has been slowly rolling out features like this years after Microsoft (Xbox One got external HDD support in 2014, Sony added it in 2017), but they’re eventually catching up, and will come full circle with PS5 backward compatibility (reportedly) next year.

Coming soon: PlayStation Preview Program with early access to updated Party features [PS Blog]

Sony is drastically improving PS4 party chat soon screenshot

Source: Destructoid Sony is drastically improving PS4 party chat soon