E3 is upon us and it’s a time to reflect on all the moments that make us sit up and say “hey it was really worth getting up at 6am on a Monday morning to watch the Xbox confe rence because I live in Australia”. These are the moments that made us gasp in astonishment, cheer with abandonment, and cry with deep nostalgia. Here are the X greatest E3 moments of the last 10 years.

Gabe Newell on the PlayStation Stage, 2010

Valve boss Gabe Newell was always famously outspoken about never wanting to develop games on consoles, particularly the PlayStation 3. So it was a massive surprise to everyone, then, when in 2010 he appeared on the Sony stage to announce that Portal 2 would be landing on the console. Way to go, Gabe.

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Source: IGN.com The 8 Greatest E3 Moments (Of The Last 10 Years)