Once upon a time, networks were in a scramble to find the “next Lost.” One of those shows, funnily enough, was ABC’s Once Upon a Time.

Now comes the race to fill the void left by HBO’s Game of Thrones, which went out with massive ratings. Which upcoming genre show will captivate audiences worldwide, filling our hearts with fantasy and wonder? Will it be more R-rated fare like Thrones or will something a bit more innocuous slip through the cracks?

Ahead you’ll find a few of the large scale action/adventure series on the horizon – splashy and spectacular shows stemming from books and comics. Superheroes, monster slayers, Fizzgigs, and Aragorns – here’s a quick rundown of what might become the next Game of Thrones-size hit. Flip through the slideshow or continue on to the list below…

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Source: IGN.com 7 Shows That Could be the Next Game of Thrones