Going into E3 2019, we’re expecting a big presence from Borderlands 3. With an enormous space on the show floor and a ton of hype on itsTwitter account, we’re expecting a lot from this fan favorite. After getting some hands-on time during its preview event in May it’s looking like Gearbox has managed to tick all the boxes with wacky loot like a gun that sprouts legs and chases after enemies, a shotgun that can pepper opponents with sticky projectiles that explode in a bloody mess upon reload, or a rocket launcher that shoots corrosive hamburgers. The tone is just right.

At that event, we tried out Amara, a tattooed Siren who can summon ethereal fists and either grapple foes making them an easy target or cause a mini-earthquake by smashing the ground, sending a ripple through the earth that will shove them away.

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Source: IGN.com What We Want From Borderlands 3 at E3