The latest — and the last, not counting the will-it-or-won’t-it-ever-come-out New Mutants — X-Men movie from Fox has arrived, but the plot of Dark Phoenix raises a lot of questions, even while answers are less forthcoming. Yeah, you could even say they’re WTF questions, as in “WTF were these guys thinking when they wrote this script?!”

Let’s dig into the biggest head-scratchers we have coming out of Dark Phoenix…

Warning: Full spoilers follow for Dark Phoenix!

Did Everyone Forget Jean Already Turned Into the Phoenix in Apocalypse?

The new, younger versions of Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Storm and Nightcrawler made their debut in 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse, played by Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Kodi Smit-McPhee. They were portrayed as young students still coming into their own as X-Men in that film, but the climax of the story did give us Turner’s Jean going full Phoenix. Just when all hope was lost and it seemed Apocalypse was going to defeat the X-Men, a psychically beaten-down Xavier telepathically calls for Jean to unleash her full power. Which she does, manifesting the Phoenix firebird around her as she incinerates the ancient villain.

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Source: Dark Phoenix’s Biggest WTF Questions